Cards API

This page describes all the functions concerning the Cards on Trello.

How can I access the functions of this category?

[ 1 ] - Open a ServerScript [ 2 ] - Look at the following script. (Example script to understand how to access a category and to a function)

-- // Require TrelloAPI Module
local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))

-- // Access to the category

CreateCard(Name, ListId, BoardOptionalData)

Create a Card in Specific List , Return true if the function is successful false if the function fail.

TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.CreateCard("EXAMPLE_CARD_NAME", "ID_LIST", {
	["Description"] = "You're Fantastic Card Description", --> Type: String
	["idLabels"] = {'MyLabels1','MyLabel2'},  --> Type: Array (Table)
	["AttachmentLink"] = "" --> Type: String

Note that you can remove one of that elements or just don't include the 'BoardOptionalData' table.

UpdateCard(CardId, BoardOptionalData)

Update an existing card, Return true if the function is successful false if the function fail.

TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.UpdateCard("ID_LIST", {
   ["Name"] = "My New Card Name", --> Type: String
   ["Description"] = "My fantastic Description", --> Type: String
   ["idLabels"] = {"ID1","ID2"}, --> Type: Array (Table)
   ["Closed"] = true || false --> Type: Boolean (Table),
   ['idList'] = "IDNewList"

Note that you can remove one of that elements or just don't include the 'BoardOptionalData' table.


Delete from list an existing card, Return true if the function is successful false if the function fail.



Create an CreateAttachment on a specific card, Only URL are supported, Return true if the function is successful false if the function fail.



Delete an Attachment from an existing card, Return true if the function is successful false if the function fail.

TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.DeleteAttachmentOnCard("CARD_ID", "ID_ATTACHMENT")


Find a specific card, if found return id of the card (String), Return false if the function fail.



Return all the cards on the list, Return false if the function fail.



Return the Attachments Datas for the card, Return false if the function fail.


Last updated